With the wind and seas finally subsiding, a couple of boats were able to see if the tunas were still biting. “Osprey” with Capt. Joe Drosey kept his charter on their heels coming back to the docks with 3 yellowfin (releasing 25) and 4 dolphin at the Hambone, “Marli” had a great day returning with 11 yellowfin and 3 dolphin, “Grande Pez” also had a great day catching 5 yellowfin and 1 dolphin, both boats fished at the Hot Dog. Even though the number of keepers are not as high as previous weeks, our charter boats are still seeing a lot of action with multiple releases keeping the rod bent all day along with bringing home gaffer dolphin. Fishing is still really good so don’t miss out on the action, call the marina office today at 410-213-9600!